After-School Soccer Program
The After-School Soccer Program has been running in our community for 10 years, providing High School students a fun and semi-competitive soccer drop-in from November-April. This free drop-in program runs every Wednesday at the LCI dome, from 3:30pm-5pm.
All skill-levels are welcome to join!
Dates and Times:
The program runs every Wednesday, 3:30pm-5pm, November-April.
Program Location:
Lakeshore Collegiate Institute Soccer Dome (350 Kipling)
Cost & Equipment:
The program is free, however you’ll need to provide all your own equipment. This includes:
Soccer shoes or running shoes, shin-guards, a water bottle, and sports attire.
Registration/Waiver Form:
All participants must have a parent/guardian fill out the waiver form (available when you arrive).
Onsite YU Supervisor:
Andrew Ironside
P: 416-277-0360
The After-School Soccer Program is a program of Youth Unlimited.
As a Christian youth organization in Toronto, we are committed to seeing youth attain their full life potential!